On The Broadcast: Friday, June 14th

What will this do to Charlie? We've all heard the test question, "What would Jesus do?" But if we're walking in the Spirit we don't need it, and there are times when the answer really isn't clear. So let's try a different question. Let's ask, "How will Chloe see this?" "What will Chris think of my actions?" The other person's conscience can be our guide. As we finish up the work-week, we also complete the sermon, When the Cultural War Becomes Intimate, Part 2. We're in 1 Corinthians with Jim.

On the current broadcast, you are invited to listen to part 3 of 3 of Pastor Jim's message entitled When The Cultural War Becomes Intimate - Part 2 from the series Understanding The Cultural War. Open your Bible to 1 Corinthians 7-11 and follow along, or click on the scripture reference to read along with Pastor Jim online.

You can purchase a copy of today's message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for just $7 on a single CD, and for a limited time you can order the complete series, Understanding The Cultural War, on a set of 14 CDs for the special price of just $49. Just give us a call at +1 (800) 984-2313. This special offer ends Wednesday, July 17th. And of course you can always listen online or download any of Pastor Jim's messages for free.

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